Sunday 1 January 2012

A New Year... a new start

Picture found here

I love New Year's. To me it's a positive time of year, a fresh start, a clean slate. The Christmas decorations get put away, a pristine calendar is placed on the wall, and we begin again.

This year I'm determined to make it down to 140lbs, my goal weight, and I've taken concrete steps for this goal. I started a 365 day diet album last week. I worked on one a few years ago and found it was a huge help. Every day I take a picture of something I've done that's either healthy (exercise or healthy food), or will lead to healthy choices (new headphones for exercising with) and twice a week make a new page with the pictures. I loved flipping through my old album as an incentive; sadly it was on my external hard drive which my son plugged it into the netbook he found in the garbage this summer and everything got erased. I know a new album will be just as helpful.

I spent my Christmas money on a new pair of headphones to exercise with at the Y (the elliptical machine is *really* boring without music to listen to) and a step to work out on while using the My Fitness Coach. I've also thrown out the last of my Christmas baking (not that there was much left) so only have healthy treats in the house. I've lost two pounds this week (down from 176lbs to 174lbs) and know that 2012 will turn out to be my year for good health. I can do it!


  1. Excellent Kathleen! Congrats!

    So tell me about the numbering..... 26, 27, 28, 29, 30..........where are 1, 2, 3, 4.......?
    Also, LOVE the pic on your header. Did you take? Where?

  2. Thanks :o) The numbering is the days I took the pictures. I started the album on December 21st (that's on a different page). The picture was taken this summer on the Oshawa Creek Trail in Oshawa (just east of Toronto).
